Yolanda Desousa

Born and brought up in Goa, A Portuguese Territory until its liberation in 1961, Yolanda de Sousa Kammermeier holds a B.F.A. (painting) Degree from The University of Bombay.Yolanda’s style of creating a ceramic like effect on canvas with relief and high gloss has become her trade mark She enjoys working with watercolours too .She selects her medium as per the feeling of the subject Her works are in collections in India and abroad.

Academics: BFA (Painting) University of Bombay SOLO SHOWS: 2014 Brasil 2014 Galeria de Belas Artes Goa India 2012 SEE IT MY WAY Galeria de Belas Artes Goa 2011 Sketches @ Random Galeria de Belas Artes Goa India 2011 VIDA Kunstzentrum – Bremen Germany 2010 Journey Beyond Time Wedding Art Gallery-Berlin Hanse Art Fair 2010 Bremen German Mundial 2010 Kala Academy- panaji Watercolours Online show/IAC 2009 Destined Destiny Galerie Gora Montreal,Canada Apathy Galeria de Belas Artes 2010 Recent works Castelo Vermelho, Goa 2006 Yolanda Right Lines Bangalore Recent works Kitab Mahal- Mumbai 2005 Faces and Phases Castelo Vermelho, Goa Yesterday Chirtrakala Parishad –Bangalore 2003 Saudades Galeria Cidade, Goa Korea FIFA W.C Art Chamber 2002 World Cup Diary Art Chamber, Goa 1998 Bayern im Februar Art Chamber, Goa GROUP SHOWS: 2014 Incident III-Accident International Art Exhibition CzestochowaMuseum Poland. 2014 Indian Artists Kynkyny –Bengalore India 2013 International Artists Exhibition Varos Galeria- Hungary International Artists Exhibition Town Gallery-Hajdunanas Hun. International Artists Exhibition Zerind Art Gallery Arad Romania Masks from Kurdistan n Unmasked - Art Chamber Goa. 2012 48th Intenational Artists Exhibition Varos Galeria- Hungary. 2012 Group show Kynkyny Art Bangalore 2011 Little Treasures Bologna –Italy 2011 49th Intenational Artists Exhibition Varos Galeria- Hungary Carnival of Colours Ruchikas Art Gallery Goa Kaleidoscope Gitanjali art Gallery Goa 2010 Artists at Home and Abroad Broadway Gallery- NewYork Simply Watercolours Art Chamber Carnival of Colours Ruchikas Art Gallery Goa. 2009 Carnival of Colours Ruchikas Art Gallery Goa. 2008 Biannale de Venizia Venice Italy Carnival of Colours Ruchikas Art Gallery Goa Celebration Right lines Bangalore Group show Kynkyny Art Bangalore Vernissage KynkynyArt ,BangaloreDifferent Strokes Mahua Gallery- at Delhi Basha-Literature Gallerie Nvya Miniature Format Show Sanstache ,Mumbai Indian Surrealism Aakritti Art Gallery, Kolkata.2007 Mapping the Roots Portuguese Embassy & EU Vismaya Mahua Art, Bangalore Triptych Mahua Art, Bangalore.2007 Roots & Shoots Corks Gallery, London Aparantha G.T.D.C, Govt of Goa Contemporary Indian Art Kalahita Gallery Hyderbad.2006 Pedro no Coracao Art Chamber, Goa. 48th National Exh. Lalit Kala Akademi Delhi.2005 Portugal through the Eyes of Artists Portuguese Consulate Goa Festival of visual Art and Theatre Fundacao Oriente, Goa.2004 Mind of a Women Art Chamber, Goa Women on Women Int.Festival of Art Bangalore.2004 Women Artists on Amrita Sher Gil Moskow and at Tashkent.2003 Daniel Pearl Memorial Festival Panjim, Goa.2002: Women of Goa. Art Chamber, Goa.2001: International Exhibition of Art Busan Korea Contemporary Artists L. K. Akademy, Delhi-k.A. Goa Art Regent Gallery-Mumbai1997: Contemporary Goan Artists Art Chamber Camps: 2013 International Artists Camp at Zerind Arad Romania, organized by City of Arad . 2013 International Art Camp organized by The International Artists Colony, Hajdunanas Hungary 2013 International Art Camp organized by The International ArtistsColony Hajdubozsermeny Hungary 2013 International Art Camp organized by Tellus Art Sweden and Directorate of Art and Culture Goa in Goa. 201250th International Art Camp organized by The International ArtistsColony Hajdubozsermeny Hungary 2011 Women Artists Camp Govt.of Goa Women Artists Camp Govt.of Goa 20 Goan Artists Camp Fine Art Gallery Mumbai Goan Artists Camp International Centre Goa 2011 International Art Camp organized by The International ArtistsColony Hajdubozsermeny Hungary 2010 Artists Camp Ravindra Bhavan Govt.of Goa Artists Camp Lalit Kala Academy Chennai. 2008 Goan Artists Camp Ruchikas Art Gallery Goa. 2007 Goan Artists Camp GTDC Govt.of Goa. 2006 Indian Artists Camp Samanvai Art Gallery-Jaipur Award & Recognition: Nominated by the jury as ‘Most Impressive Painter’ at the International Art Camp at Hajdunanas Hungary in July 2013 Conferred with the State Cultural Award for outstanding contribution in Painting by the Government of Goa India for the Year 2010-11 Recipient of the NIVO Award at The 48th international Artists Camp organized by the International Artists Colony Hajduboszormeny Hungary for the year 2011. Awarded and Honoured along with 20 other Indian Artists for contribution to Painting by the Kalavar Nyas Ujjain Madhya Pradesh in 2013.
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