Vikramaditya Singh

A self taught Wildlife and Equestrian artist born in 1973 in New Delhi hails from the erstwhile state of Palaitha and Kota, and is based out of Jaipur, the heart of culture and creativity.

"The evolution of my artwork is a constant process of awakening creative inspiration to better depict the chosen subject of nature and the figurative aspect of my perception of the animals I draw or paint. Each composition I choose appeals to me on a multitude of levels, bringing emotion and creative aptitude together to convey onto the canvas."

- Vikramaditya Singh

Having spent his formative years overseas, he chose to move back to India in the late 90’s to be closer to family and a calling to move back to Rajasthan brought him back in touch with the art that is so very dear to his heart, something he learned observing his extremely creative parents.

"The skill lies in noticing the creative artibutes from an image to best depict in one’s own style. I do hope you enjoy my work, as much as I constantly aspire to learn and express myself further through my craft."

-Vikramaditya Singh

Vikramaditya has taken part in several group shows across India and has had 3 solo shows in New Delhi, Mumbai and Dubai. When he spent time in Kenya on a working trip, he held a small showing of works which were sold out done on the same trip. Most of his works though have been sold through commissions for an array of hi profile clients both in India and abroad over the years.

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