Runa Biswas

Born in 1975, Runa Biswas is a Bangalore-based artist who has developed a highly unique artistic language with many years of experience. She experiments with various mediums, textures, tools, and concepts to create her unusual and striking paintings. Using a mix of wash technique, layer on layer glazing, pouring, batik and brushwork, Runa combines the rigidity of bold lines with the fluidity of watercolor. Her subjects are mostly figurative, inspired by dreams, folklore, mythology, and stories. She also incorporates people she has come across and beautiful moments from her own life, in her work. Runa’s tools are as varied as her subjects; she uses brushes, pens, palette knives, droppers, twigs, combs, and even her own nails to create her paintings. With speed and timing being key to her technique, Runa has trained herself to be ambidextrous, using both her hands at the same time, for completely different applications. She acquired a Masters’ in Economics from Calcutta University and a Diploma in Fine Art from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. Runa held her first solo show in Bangalore in 2018. Her art has also been displayed in various group shows in Bangalore, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Bangladesh, Hungary, and Hong Kong. In 2017, Runa Biswas was honored with two accolades, the Prafulla Dahunukar Bangalore City Artist Award and an Honourable Mention Award from the International Watercolor Society, Hungary.
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