Over a period of time I have cultivated my own unique techniques of brush stroke and knife stroke which have paved way for speed and rhythm eventually merged in harmony. Use of vibrant colours is an attempt to truly reflect the original nature of the subject. In summary I have put my sincere effort to showcase the exuberant and glory of rich diverse Indian rural culture through my artistic eye.
Education Qualification:
Art Master Diploma, Fine Art College, Rattihalli. Diploma in Fine Art, Fine Art College, Rattihalli.
1995-98 - Annual Art Exibihition Fine Art College, Rattihalli. 2004 - Manibayi Lodaya Sabhabhavana, Haveri. 2007 - Academy of Fine Art Kolkata. State Gallery of Fine Art Hyderabad.
1995 - 200feet Canvas Painting, “Komusouhardaâ€, Glass House Hubli. 1996 - State Level Painting Exhibition about “AIDSâ€, University College of Fine Art, Davanagere. 1995-1999 - Watercolour Landscape Competition, Hampi. 2004, 09 - Mysore Dasara Painting Exhibition. 2004-2010 - “Chitrasanteâ€, CKP Bangalore. 2006: Sree Kalika Painting Award & Exhibition, Sirasangi. Painting Exhibition Computation “Gadinadu Vutsavaâ€, Belagavi. Vishwa Karma Samaj Seva Sansthe, Shirsangi. 2008 - Portrait Demonstration in Art Teacher Painting Competition, Haveri. 2010: Alvas Varna Jagruti Sibira, Mudabidari. “Chitrasante†Gangubayi Hanagal Trust, Hubli.
1997 - Student in the Year. 2005 - Vishwa Karma Samaj Seva Sansthe, Shirsangi. 2006 - Dhrusthi Kalavedike, Bagalakot. 2009 - Mysore Dasara Merit Certificate Award.
Haveri, Hubli, Mumbai, Bangalore, Goa, Hyderabad, Chicago (USA), Germany.