Haraprasad Tripathy
Haraprasad (Born in Odisha1982) completed My BFA from Viswa-Bharati University Santiniketan West Bengal in the year 2006 and M.V.A from the Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S. University of Baroda in 2009 .I had won the National Scholarship from the Ministry of Human Resource Development in 2011
I had a solo exhibition in 2017 titled “Shifting Terrains (A psychological Landscape ) at Latitkala academy New Delhi,and have been part of several group shows in India and abroad. For instance I have shown at Elsewhere ,Bateman Street ,London 2017, Group Show ,Ford Light Foundation ,London 2016, Barbil’’ Nature Morte Art Gallery, Delhi 2013,‘Titillation And Gratification’’ Nature Morte Art Gallery, Delhi 2012, ’Portfolio’’ Priyarshree Art Gallery, Mumbai 2012 ,‘Barod March’’ Comarswami Hall .Mumbai. 2012 , ‘Space, Sight, Sign’’ Curetted By Jhony Ml ,Niv Art Gallery,delhi. 2011 , ’ Tentacles’’ Jahangir Art Gallery. Mumbai. 2011, ’ Emeging Artist’’, M.S.U.Gallery, Vadodara 2011,’Abrest Totems’’, Mon At Gallery ,Kolkata 2010 , ’Nature Vs Modernity’’ India Fine Art, Mumbai 2009, ’Asta Guru Auction’’, Mumbai 2009, ’Figuring Location’’, India Fine Art Galley, Mumbai 2008, 'Fresh Mark ''IN GANDHARA ART GALLERY.Kolkata 2008. ’W.F.U.’’ .Gandhara Art Gallery, Kolkata 2007, ’Group Exhibition’’, Nandan Gallery, Santiniketan 2007, Vinyl Project, Group Exhibition Based On Environmental Art, Santiniketan. 2006
I am living and working in New Delhi.
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